2026 ?
2025 (upcoming) 1. Aug.- 28. Feb. 2026, MMCA (National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea), Seoul, South Korea
2023 Alma Redemptoris Mater: Our Material Our Redeemer, sangheeut, Seoul, South Korea
2022 The Most Faithful Blasphemy, (together)(together), curated by Sunjung Kim Samuso, Seoul, South Korea
Honey, Beta World Is Over Soon, SOMA Art Space 700, Berlin, Germany
I Feel Uncanny When You Touch Me There, Wunderkammer, Stuttgart, Germany
2021 Aimy's Melancholy, Electro Putere Gallery, Craiova, Romania
2020 Schrödinger’s Baby, Schaufenster Junge Kunst, City Gallery of Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
Uncool Mentality, NIDRAJ, Brussels, Belgium
Ultra-Hygienic Exhibition, Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart, Germany
2018 Prude Boys of Stuttgart, The Broken Gallery, Stuttgart, Germany
2024 (current) 10. Jun. - 10. Mar. 2025, Ghost Out of the Machine, Incheon Airport, Incheon, South Korea
Connecting Grounds, Kunstverein Wagenhalle e.V., Stuttgart, Gernamy
Really Important, Help Me, Choose D/L, Salina Ocnele Mari, Romania
PromptSet(PRPT): Vault Service, LES601, Seoul, South Korea
The Preview Art Fair, Seoul, South Korea
What an Artificial World, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Cheongju, Cheongju, South Korea
Alter Being: Only the Hat Knows, Calm and Punk Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Viewing Room: Zeros and Ones, Kang Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Artificial Tears, museumhead, Seoul, South Korea
2023 Right to Mother, Hessel Museum of Art, New York, USA
2023 ARKO Art Center & Digital Art Festival Taipei Screening Program, Digital Art Center (DAC), Taipei, Taiwan
Hackerspace, TINC(This is not a church), Seoul, South Korea
Humanism Reimagined: Embracing change, WWNN, Seoul, South Korea
KI-Camp Kunst Ausstellung, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Berlin, Germany
2022 The Most Brilliant Moments for You, GMOMA, Gyung-gi Modern Art Museum, South Korea
PLURITOPIA, initiative between the National Arts Council Singapore (NAC) and the Arts Council Korea (ARKO), Metaverse
Assemble New Vibes, Gallery Damdam, Cultural Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Berlin, Germany
The Floating Employee, Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart, Germany
The Last Things Before The Last, HITE Collection, Seoul, South Korea
This Time Is Different, Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart, Germany
«잠재감각:Cryptesthesia», Baeryeom's House, Seoul, South Korea
Mix[image] Verse, Space So, Seoul, South Korea
2021 Protest Bereitschaft - Zeitgenössischer Aktivismus zwischen Haltung und Stil, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Germany
The Garden of Memes, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, South Korea
Studio Posporus, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
The Conch Shell, Suprainfinit Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival (TQAF), 2021, Greece
Supermarket Not So Supermarket - Performance, Schauwerk Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1, Villa Schöningen, Potsdam, Germany
Re-Altering Reality, Electro Putere Gallery, Craiova, Romania
2020 ≫Incoming≪, Blech Raum für Kunst Halle e.V., Halle, Germany
2019 Utopias in Urban Societies – Identity and History, Sindelfingen Biennale 2019, City Gallery of Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
Memory of Korean Division, Project On #6, Gallery Damdam, Cultural Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Berlin, Germany
A Room of One's Own, with a video work in the concert of Ensemble Rot, E-Werk SAAL, Freiburg, Germany
Strike Gently Away __, Linzer G. 72, Salzburg, Austria
Summer Session 2019, V2_lab, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2018 Where Plato Taught, Academiae - 4th Youth Art Biennale 2018, Fortezza Franzensfeste, Bolzano, Italy
Cellular Ground, Long Night of Museums, Bunker under the Diakonissenplatz, Stuttgart, Germany
Three Monkeys : See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil (非禮勿視, 非禮勿聽, 非禮勿言), Bongsan Cultural Centre, Dae-gu, South Korea
Something To Believe In, Diskurs Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Alpha Centauri, Künstlerhaus, Stuttgart, Germany
About:Blank, Project Space LAF, Pforzheim, Germany
2017 The Great Infinity Fool, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
2024 - 25 "Digital Art Now", State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart, Germany
2017 - 2022 Diplom, Fine Art at the State Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart, Germany, Class Prof. Christian Jankowski
2013 - 2017 Bachelor, Art Studies at Art College of Hong-ik University, Seoul, South Korea
Bachelor Thesis “Aesthetic Logic of Overwatch(Online FPS Game)”, Supervisor Prof. Sun-Gyu Ha
2011 - 2016 Bachelor, Printmaking at Art College of Hong-ik University, Seoul, South Korea, Supervisor Prof. Seungyeon Kim
2023 Art Project Funding by SFAC(Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture), Seoul, South Korea
2022-2023 Graduate Scholarship(Landesgraduiertenförderung), ABK(Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart), Germany
2022 Funding support for international exchange of young artists, ARKO(Arts Council Korea), South Korea
Exhibition Support by Berlin Senatsverwaltung, Germany
2020-2022 Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Scholarship
2020 Exhibition Support by Helmut Fischer Foundation
2019 DAAD Prize 2019
2023 (together)(together), Seoul, South Korea
2020 City Gallery of Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
2020 Guest Artist, Electro Putere Gallery, Craiova, Romania
2019 V2_Lab for the Unstable Media X Art Centre Nabi Residency, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2024 TZUSOO Artist Talk, MMCA Cheongju, Cheongju, South Korea
TZUSOO Artist Talk, Incheon International Airport, Incheon, South Korea
2023 Speech "Making a Music Video for a K-Pop Legend, from Home", Blender Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands (26.10)
Group Artist Talk, Hessel Museum, New York, United States (03.05)
Group Director Talk, ITFS(International Trick Film Festival), Stuttgart, Germany
2022 TZUSOO Artist Talk, HITE COLLECTION, Seoul, South Korea (04.12)
TZUSOO Artist Talk "The near future predicted by digital natives", GMoMA(Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art), Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (21.10)
Seminar as a Senior Artist, Art College at Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea
TZUSOO Artist Talk, SOMA Artspace, Berlin, Germany
Group Virtual Artist Talk in VR Chat, Pluritopia initiative between the National Arts Council Singapore (NAC) and the Arts Council Korea (ARKO)
2021 TZUSOO Artist Talk, Electro Putere Gallery, Craiova, Romania
2024 What an Artificial World, p.94-105, June 2024, MMCA, Seoul, South Korea, [ISBN: 978-89-6303-403-4
NEW LOOK, p. 136-137, March 2023, Art in Culture
2023 The Last Things Before The Last, HITE Collection, Seoul, South Korea, [ISBN: 979-11-87355-11-9 (03600)]
동시대미술의 뉴 웨이브, 영 큐레이터 35, 힙 토픽, p.74-77, 100-105, March 2023, Art in Culture
표현하는 자로서의 본분, p.54-59, March 2023 Vol.11, THE ONE ART WORLD
2019 Diskurs Berlin Volume 3, DISKURS Berlin, Jung Me Chai, [ISBN: 978-3-9818757-6-8]
2018 Where Plato Taught, Associazione Artinthe Alps Verein and Franzensfeste Provincial Museum,[ISBN: 9788894279505]
Three Monkeys : See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, Daegu Foundation for Culture, [ISBN: 978-89-94155-62-6-00650]
Something To Believe In, DISKURS Berlin, Jung Me Chai, [ISBN: 978-3-9818757-5-1]
2017 The Great Infinity Pool Vol.3, Museum Folkwang, Essen, [ISBN: 978-3-942144-55-1; 2017]